RUN ZIGGY RUN E-Book now available in over 30 countries internationally!

Our bilingual English/German RUN ZIGGY RUN E-Book is now available internationally at Amazon, Kindle Shop, Tolino Shops, Apple iBooks and Kobo in the USA & Canada.
RUN ZIGGY RUN E-Book is available during the next 56 days for only 2.99 Euro and after that for 4.99 Euro. 🙂 Make a child happy and safe a dog in need – thank you for your support! (the proceeds go to animal rescue organisations)

RUN ZIGGY RUN eBook ISBN: 978-3-9524704-3-5

APPLE IBooks – Published by REEDaround Books: Apple IBook store

NEW: Kinderbuchladen in Zürich / Bookstore for kids in Zurich!

LATEST NEWS: RUN ZIGGY RUN is now available at the Kinderbuchladen, Oberdorfstrasse 32, 8001 Zurich, also at the Scheidegger Bookstore, Obere Bahnhofstrasse 10, 8910 Affoltern am Albis, Switzerland.

GANZ NEU: unser RUN ZIGGY RUN Buch ist jetzt auch im Kinderbuchladen erhältlich, an der Oberdorfstrasse 32, 8001 Zürich, sowie im Scheidegger Bookstore, Obere Bahnhofstrasse 10, 8910 Affoltern am Albis, Schweiz.




Run ZIGGY Run ISBN: 978-3-9524704-0-4
ZIGGY Activity Book ISBN: 978-3-9524704-1-1

The proceeds of all ZIGGY books go to animal rescue / der Gewinn aller ZIGGY Bücher gehen in den Tierschutz!