RUN ZIGGY RUN E-Book now available in over 30 countries internationally!

Our bilingual English/German RUN ZIGGY RUN E-Book is now available internationally at Amazon, Kindle Shop, Tolino Shops, Apple iBooks and Kobo in the USA & Canada.
RUN ZIGGY RUN E-Book is available during the next 56 days for only 2.99 Euro and after that for 4.99 Euro. 🙂 Make a child happy and safe a dog in need – thank you for your support! (the proceeds go to animal rescue organisations)

RUN ZIGGY RUN eBook ISBN: 978-3-9524704-3-5

APPLE IBooks – Published by REEDaround Books: Apple IBook store

Run ZIGGY Run!

Storyline: ZIGGY is an unwanted dog living in an animal shelter like so many. In his dreams he loves to run and fly with his bird friend Coco; he goes roller skating, car riding with his imaginary friends until one day… boooom… his life changes with a big surprise ending!

Target group: Children from 3 to 7 years old; text bilingual English/German, or English/Spanish to help the child learn a foreign language in a very playful way. Copyright by Miriam Selmi Reed – aka Mimi Selmi Reed – All rights reserved

Illustration by Miriam Selmi Reed - member SCBWI - all rights reserved

Illustration by Miriam Selmi Reed – member SCBWI – all rights reserved

Mein illustriertes Kinderbuch “Run ZIGGY Run” ist zweisprachig Englisch/Deutsch, perfekt fĂĽr Kinder – von 3 bis 7 Jahre alt – um spielerisch Englisch zu lernen und zugleich zu zeigen, dass auch Tiere Lebewesen sind.

Die Geschichte: ZIGGY lebt traurig und alleine in einem Tierheim. In seinen Träumen liebt er es zu rennen und zu fliegen; er geht roller-skaten, fährt sogar Autorennen bis eines Tages… boooom… ZIGGY’s reales Leben ändert sich mit einer riesigen Ăśberraschung!